1- arak university of medical scinces 2- tarbiat modares university , asilia_h@modares.ac.ir 3- tarbiat modares university 4- Iran university of medical sciences
Abstract: (10214 Views)
Introduction: poly chlorinated biphenyls (PCB ) are occupational and environmental pollutants and hazardous organic compounds that have created major environmental and occupational challenge. PCB compounds are caused the different health effects in human depending of sex, age, route of entry, intensity and frequency exposure. This study was conducted to determine the effect of microwave rays, hydrogen peroxide, TiO2, catalyst and ethanol on the composition of PCB in order to reduce occupational hazards.
Materials &Methods: In this experiment used a MW oven, Pyrex vessel reactor (250ml volume), Pyrex tube connector and condensing system. A hole was pierced on the top portion of the oven and the Pyrex vessel reactor was connected with the Pyrex tube connector . Ray powers used in 540, 720 and 900W. pH and temperature was continuously monitored. The experiments were repeated three times. The PCB were analyzed by GC-ECD and spss version 16 software package was used for statistical analysis.
Findings: The degradation of total PCB in terms of 540,720 and 900W was 83.85, 88.89 and 96.33% respectively. The degradation of total PCB in terms of ratio to solvent with oil transformer in 1:1، 2:1 and 3:1 was 54.19، 79.16 and 95.07% respectively. The degradation of total PCB in terms of not using of / and using 10% of and 0.05, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2g was 70.72, 89.43, 90.40, 91.59and 93.21% respectively. The degradation of total PCB in terms of not using / and using 20% of and 0.05, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2 g was 70.72, 94, 95.07, 96.33 and 97.17% respectively.
Discussion&Conclusion: The results of this experiments showed that using microwave Rays,H2O2 oxidant and TiO2 catalyst lead to a degradation efficiency of PCBs only in the presence of ethanol. Increasing the concentration of ethanol and H2O2 and also amount of TiO2 should increase the generation rate of hydroxyl radical and thus the oxidation and dechlorination of the PCBs.
tajik R, asilian mohabadi H, khavanin A, jonidi jafari A, eshrati B. The effect of solvent, hydrogen peroxide and dioxide titanium on degradation of PCBs,using microwave radiation in order to reduce occupational exposure. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2014; 21 (7) :24-33 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-670-en.html