A Study on Ripening of Cervix Using PG and Foley Catheter
Abstract: (17443 Views) |
Introduction: Abortion is the most common complication of pregnancy with a 15% prevalence rate that occurs through first and second trimester. Physiologically, genitalia system can not discharge pregnancy products, because ripening of cervix and uterus contractions are absent as two essential factors in labor, however, ripening of cervix is more important than the other factor. This development refers to shortness, effacement and dilatation of cervix that normally begins before labor at the end of the 3th trimester.
Materials & methods: This is an applied, multi-variable, monoside-blinded study performed to assess the effectiveness of PG and folly catheter on labor duration, hospitalization period, hospital costs, incomplete abortion , nausea and vomiting and bleeding. 70 pregnant women of 14-28w in need of cervix ripening were assigned in two groups randomly. One group received vaginal supp of Dinoperoston (3mg), repeated after 6 hours PRN. For the other group, a folly catheter filled with 30 ml N.S.
was inserted in internal OS. Oxytocin serum augmentation developed after 12 hours in both the experimental groups. The data collected by questionnaire, examinations and patient medical records. The Collected data were analyzed by chi-square, fisher exact and T-student tests.
Findings: According to the research achievements, there is no significant difference between the two groups in respect of hospital costs, hospitalization period, incomplete abortion , nausea and vomiting and bleeding (P>0/05), but there was a significant difference in case of Bishop Score and labor period (P< 0/05).
Conclusion: Considering changes of Bishop Score in folly catheter as observed to be more than PG group and labor period less than that of PG group, it seems more logical to recommend the application of folly catheter for ripening of cervix. |
Keywords: ripening of cervix, ostaglandin, folly catheter |
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Type of Study: Research |
General Received: 2009/01/27 | Accepted: 2015/04/20 | Published: 2015/04/20
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