1- Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences 2- Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences , najarshanaz@yahoo.com
Abstract: (15077 Views)
Introduction and Aim :The average age at menarche show regional variations, differs from country to country and various factor for example environmental condition and genetic factor influence for menarche age. this study performed to survey relationship between some anthropometric indices
with Menarche age.
Methods: This survey is cross sectional study. Study was conducted on 566 females student 8-15 years in 2013 . participants were selected by random cluster sampling from 4 areas and 16 elementry and middle and high schools in Ahvaz city . the students who qualified for the study were enrolled. The data collection was based on interviews and measurement of height, weight and calculation of body mass index.collected data was encoded and was analyzed by spss software version 19 and Descriptive statistics (to determine the mean, standard deviation) and analytic statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient) .
Findings: The study subjects were 566 students aged 8-15. the mean age of menarche was 11.86±1.07 and Age at menarche correlated with height, weight and had an inverse association with body mass index .
Conclusion: Based on these findings, There is correlation between anthropometric characters and age of menarche.
Keywords: Height, Weight,Body Mass Index, Menarche
sharifi N, najar S, Tadayon M, Haghighi zadeh M H. Relationship between Some anthropometric indices with Menarche age of Girls in Ahvaz. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2014; 22 (2) :50-56 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-1186-en.html