The effect of Cognitive behavioral Teaching on marital satisfaction of women having hypoactive of sexual disorder
Jahanshir Tavakolizadeh , Najme Sadat HajiVosogh *  |
Abstract: (11910 Views) |
Abstract Objectives: normal sexual function is a main factor in marital satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral educating program on increasing marital satisfaction of women having hypoactivity of sexual desire in Gonabad city. Method: In this semi experimental study, The subjects were 30 women referring to the counseling and guidance center in Gonabad that have received diagnosis of hypoactivity of sexual desire disorder . They were randomly selected and then assigned to two equal groups of control and experimental. They filled out the marital gratification questionnaire (Enrich, 1996) in pretest and posttest phases. The experimental group took part in ten ninety-minute sessions for three months. The data were analyzed by SPSS software. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between differential means of marital satisfaction of women having hypoactivity of sexual desire disorder in two groups, that is, the cognitive-behavioral educating program was significantly effective on increasing marital satisfaction (P= 0.038). Conclusion: in according to, the effect of Cognitive behavioral Teaching on increase of marital satisfaction of women, it is recommended to use these teaching by specialist into therapeutic program of women that having hypoactive sexual desire disorder |
Keywords: Cognitive-behavioral teaching, marital satisfaction, hypoactive of sexual desire |
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Type of Study: Research |
psychology Received: 2012/01/3 | Accepted: 2013/10/23 | Published: 2013/10/23
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