1- Ilam University of Medical Sciences 2- Ilam University of Medical Sciences , khematy@gmail.com
Abstract: (7922 Views)
Introduction: Ovarian cancer is the sixth common cancer in the world. Several risk factors including age, early menarche, delayed menopause, infertility, obesity and Nuliparity for ovarian cancer have already been reported. In this study, prevalence of associated risk factors with ovarian masses was assessed.
Material & methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, all (n=70) women's record were recruited with ovarian masses who referred to Ilam pathobiology centers during 2007-2009. The instrument for collecting data was a checklist that completed by phone interview. SPSS software was used and data were analyzed by Chi-Square test.
Findings: The mean age of patients was 34.60 ± 13.63 years and more than two-thirds (70.2%) of them were overweight and obese. The most frequent detected masses were ovarian cysts (28.5%), mucinous cyst adenoma (21.4%), mature cyst teratoma (18.5%) and serous cyst adenoma (15.7%) respectively. 6.2% of women were affected by malignant tumor. There was a significant correlation between menarche age, using OCP and NSAIDS drugs and type of ovarian masses (P <0.008 and P <0.006 respectively).
Discussion & Conclusion: Ovarian cysts and Mucinus cyst adenoma were common diagnosed ovarian masses. Using OCP and NSAIDS drugs, age of menarche more than 13 years and low BMI were factors that decrease the risk of ovarian masses.
Ahmadi R, Peyman H, Yaghoubi M, Khajavi khan J, Yasemi M, Yasemi M R, et al . risk factors Associated with ovarian masses among women of Ilam province during 2007-2009. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2015; 23 (3) :153-160 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-1919-en.html