A Study of Sand-flies Fauna in The Focus of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Ahar District (Eastern Azarbayjan, Iran)
Abstract: (10061 Views) |
Introduction: Visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar) is endemic in Iranian provinces of Fars, East Azarbyjan , and Ardebil . Ahar, a district of East Azarbyjan, is another endemic foci of this disease thus, considering the fact that fulfilling a faunestic study of sand-flies is regarded be the first step to identify the vector species of such a disease, we decided to carry out our research in the mentioned area.
Matrials & Methods: The researchers collected sand-flies using sticky trap in six villages of Iranian Province of Eastern Azarbayjan infected with visceral leishmaniasis during May, June, and July 2002. The trapped sand-flies were then washed using Aceton and preserved in 70% Eithelic Alcohol. All the samples were, afterward, categorized into specific species using reliable keys.
Findings: Of all the 1405 collected sand-flies, 19 species were identified as follows: 16 species of phlebotomus, and 3 species of sergentomyia. The species p.kandelakii, p. paptasi , p. perfiliewi , p. sergenti, p.anderjevi with atotal number of 1171 ones covered 83% of the total number of trapped sand-flies .The species of P.caucasicus P.alexandri, P.mongolensis , P.halpensis , P.jacusieli , P. longiductus , P.balcanicus , P.major P. tobbi, P. ansarii , P. bergeroti , S.dentata , S.sintoni , S.pawlowskyi covered totally 234 ones equal to 17% of all the collected sand-flies.
Discussion & Conclusion: It is concluded that, considering the much limited coverage of the searched area, the species variety seems to be very interesting and attention-worthy. It also indicates that more species and even new species can be found by carrying out more comprehensive studies in future. The P. anderjevi specie with frequency of 11%, being reported for the first time, showed the highest prevalence in west northern Iran. |
Keywords: fauna, Sand-flies, visceral leishmaniasis, Ahar (Eastern Iran) |
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Type of Study: Research |
General Received: 2010/01/4 | Accepted: 2015/04/20 | Published: 2015/04/20
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