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:: Volume 17, Issue 3 (10-2009) ::
Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences 2009, 17(3): 33-41 Back to browse issues page
Association of Glutathione S-transferase And Chromosomal Aberrations As a Means to Determine Occupational Exposure
Farajalah Maleki *
Abstract:   (13325 Views)
Introduction: The recognition and therapeutic uses of rays in medicine has drawn attention to its biological effects and dangers for people exposed to it. Researches have shown that cell nucleus and chromosomes are the main targets of damage due to X ray. This damage causes chromosome instability and other damages like ring dicentric and acentric. Chromosome damage is important, because they are related to many diseases including malignancies. On the other han, X ray may cause changes in the activities of enzymes involved in the protection of cell for detoxicating. One of these important enzymes is GST. In this study, the relationship between GST and chromosome disorders in environmental lymphocyte in radiotherapists in governmental hospitals of Tehran was studied in comparison with a control group. Materials and methods: This study was aimed at determining the relationship between GST enzyme activities and the frequency of chromosome aberrations in environmental lymphocyte in radiotherapists in governmental medical centers with a length of service of more than 5 years. 33 radiotherapists including 19 females with an age mean of 31.5±15 and males with an age mean of 37.6±14, having over 5 years of service were the member of the experimental group. 37 of the staff of the same hospitals including 22 females with an age range of 36.8 ± 14 acted as the control group. The conditions for entering the ivestigations were length of occupational expericence over than 5 years, drugs, not using acetaminophen, antibiotics for one month before sampling, not experiencing a blood related disease and not having a background of undergoing X-ray tests. The same conditions were applied to the control group except that they didn`t work in radiotherapy centers since the sample was small, all the conditions were checked. 5ml blood heparinised was taken from both the groups to investigate enzyme activities and chromosome aberrations. The GST enzyme activities and chromosome aberrations were investigated with Habig and banding -tripsin G methods respectively. Finding: The study showed that ring dicentric and acentric chromosome aberrations and GST enzyme activities are significantly more in experimental group than in the control group. (P=0.04) Discussion & Conclusion: The results showed an increase in the GST enzymes activities as well as in the chromosome aberrations due to X-ray ionizations amony the radio the rapists.
Keywords: chromosome aberrations, glutathione s-transferase, radiotherapy
Full-Text [PDF 308 kb]   (5008 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2010/02/9 | Accepted: 2015/04/20 | Published: 2015/04/20
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maleki F. Association of Glutathione S-transferase And Chromosomal Aberrations As a Means to Determine Occupational Exposure. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2009; 17 (3) :33-41
URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-148-en.html

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Volume 17, Issue 3 (10-2009) Back to browse issues page
مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایلام Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences
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