Introduction: Examining unwanted compli-cations of immunization is one of the new plans in healthcare system which guara-ntees higher quality of the services in the immunization expanding plans. Vaccination related complications are among the conc-erns in children immunization which may lead to not referring to the next vaccination times. This study was aimed to determine the rate of DTP vaccine-associated children in children less than seven years in Shah-rekord.
Materials & Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was conducted on 360 ch-ildren under seven years old referring to health and treatment centers of Shahrekord city for Diphteria,Tetanus and Pertusis (DTP) vaccination from the beginning of autumn 2010 to the end of summer 2011. The children under study were con-trolled and monitored from the time of injection to one week afterward and their complications were examined through a questionnaire filled out by their parents.
Findings: In this study, 291(80.8%) of the
children developed vaccination complica-tions. 95.5% of the complications were mild and 0.7% of them were severe. In 90.3% of cases, reason of the complications was related to the vaccination reaction and in the rest (1.4%), the reason came from the vaccine storing condition. 40.2% of the complications consisted of redness, infla-mmation, and pain at the injection site. 99% of complications were completely recov-ered and only 1% of the children were hos-pitalized.
Discussion & Conclusion: Although va-ccinetion-associated complications are mai-nly mild and transient and even the majority of them need no pharmacologic treatment, however we do need a coordinated plan for timely reporting, precise registration of information, and promotion of personnel’s and parents’ knowledge.
raeeisi A, mobasheri M, karimi F, saberinejad F. Assessment of Diphteria,Tetanus and Pertusis Vaccine-associated Complications in theChildren under 7 Years Old in Shahrekord in 2010-1012. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2014; 22 (1) :1-6 URL: