1- University of Social Welfare & Rehabilitation Science 2- University of Social Welfare & Rehabilitation Science , mahmaimy2020@gmail.com
Abstract: (9076 Views)
Introduction: Clinical environment is a fu-ndamental element of nursing profession which can lead to appropriate performance and optimal outcome. Workplace organiz-ation training can increase the quality of care and nurses’ job satisfaction. This study aimed to determine the effect of training workplace organization technique (5S) on workplace arrangement in operation room of Shahid Beheshti hospital in Esfahan, 2013. Materials & Methods: This is a quasi-exp-erimental study with pre & posttest. The participants included 22 nursing staffs of operation room in Shahid Beheshti hospital of Isfahan. Workplace arrangement ques-tionnnaire and 5S audit checklist in heal-thcare was used for data collection. Interv-ention consisted of 5S workshop for ope-ration room nurses on three separate ses-sions. Participants were tested by the ques-tionnnaire before the study and 30 days after the intervention. Researchers condu-cted 5S audit before and after the study. Next, data was analyzed through Shpiro-Wilk and paired T-tests.
Findings: The results of this study showed that the 5S audit scores was 3.2 before the intervention and increased to 4.6 after the intervention. The mean of the arrangement workplace scores was 77.72±25.38 before the study and 93.22±27.42 after the intervention. Paired T-test analysis showed a significant difference between the mean score of arrangement before and after the education (p=0.04). Discussion & Conclusion: This study sho-wed that 5S education could improve workplace arrangement in operation rooms of hospitals. It indicated that quality impr-ovement techniques such as 5S implem-entation in the operation room settings could be useful to environmental arran-gement.
Nouri A, Hosseini M A. Investigating the Effect of Training Workplace Organization Technique on Workplace Arrangement in Operation Rooms of Isfahan’s Shahid Beheshti Hospital in 2013. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2015; 22 (6) :51-59 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-1318-en.html