Introduction: The planning and objectives of a lesson introduced by a professor at the beginning of each session is one of the most effective and important factors that help improve students' learning. Collecting of these parameters at the end of each lesson and the presenting of a summary of the next session has a significant impact on the students’ learning. Over the past few years, the importance of lesson planning has been discussed in a broad scope among educational groups of Medical Schools. The study was performed to evaluate and compare lesson planning protocols by the professors at Shiraz University and Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.
Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 508 students of different departments of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (217 students) and Shiraz University (291 students). From each of these universities 5% of the students were chosen randomly and also from each department, students were selected depending on the number of students at that department.
Findings:223 men (43.9%) and 285 women (56.1%) whose average age was 22 years participated in the survey. This study showed that lesson planning methods were exerted in a same manner in different terms and that no difference was observed between the two universities (P>0.05). The average of the scores given to the lesson planning in both Shiraz University of Medical Sciences and Shiraz University were 33 and 34 out of 60, respectively. Teaching aids were used more at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences than at Shiraz University. Using new scientific resources at Shiraz Medical School was good but the same thing at Shiraz University was average and their difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).The current survey showed that educational motivation in students was low, but the motivation in other aspects was good.
Discussion & Conclusion: Identifying the important factors that affect learning is quite important to help remove inadequacies and solve problems in any educational system. This study revealed that the students’ level of knowledge in lesson planning was relatively low. In both mentioned universities the teaching aids were used at a low level. One advantage of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences was that their professors used teaching aids more than the professors of Shiraz University. In order to decrease the shortcomings and make students more productive and scientific in both universities, it is crucial that educational workshops to be organized for professors. In this way, we would witness a day in which both students and professors of our country are striving more to advance the frontiers of science.
omidi R, ghobadi K, ghahramani F, hosaini F, ghalandari M, gharli pour Z, et al . Comparative Analysis of the Implementation of Lesson Planning By The Professors at Shiraz University and Shiraz University of Medical Sciences . J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2013; 21 (4) :107-113 URL: