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:: Volume 22, Issue 7 (in press 2015) ::
Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences 2015, 22(7): 115-128 Back to browse issues page
Evaluation of Biologic Markers Frequency and Their Correlation with Some Determinant Prognostic Factors in Women with Breast Cancer Referred to Oncology Clinic of Imam Sajjad Hospital of Ramsar during 2002-2012
Shahrbano Keyhanian1 , Zahra Jannat alipoor *2 , Elnaz Lohrasbi1 , Zahra Fotoukian3 , Mohammad mansour Saravi4
1- Tonekabon Islamic Azad University
2- Babol University of Medical Sciences , zalipoor@gmail.com
3- Babol University of Medical Sciences
4- MazandaranUniversity of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (7729 Views)
Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common kind of cancer in women and the major cause of cancer death in women 20-59 years. Identification of prognostic fac-tors in breast cancer, and knowing the rel-ationships between them can be useful in clinical decision-making and choosing ap-propriate treatment. Materials & Methods: This study was an across-sectional retrospective one that was conducted on 220 women with primary breast cancer who referred to oncology clinic of Immam Sajjad hospital in Ramsar during 2002-2012. Data were collected by a Checklist and using the information in the patients' medical records. Information had been analyzed by using statistical software SPSS 16 with descriptive - analytic statistical tests (frequency percentage and Chi square test). The significance level was considered < 0.05 in this study. Findings: 77.3% of patients were aged less than 55 years, and 35% of patients were po-stmenopausal. HER-2/neu over expression in 38.2%, and P53 gene mutation in 52.3% of patients were found. ER on 69.1% and PR in 63.6% of cases were positive. In this study, there was a statistically significant relationship between HER-2/ neu bio-marker status with tumor size (P=0.0001), P53 biomarker status with tumor pathology (P=0.042), ER biomarker status with disease stage (P=0.034), ER status with pathological grade (P=0.004), PR biom-arker status with pathological grade (P=0. 011) and PR biomarker status with disease Stage and pathological grade (P=0.037). In the other cases, there was not any statis-tically significant relationship between biomarker status and other prognostic fac-tors in this study (P>0.05). Discussion & Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, there was a rel-ationship between HER-2/neu status with tumor size, ER& PR status with disease Stage and pathological grade, P53 with tumor pathology. So determining the biolo-gical markers status (HER-2/neu, PR, ER, P53) in patients with breast cancer, and the onset of anti-estrogen therapy in patients with steroid receptors and anti HER-2/neu treatment of those tumors with HER-2/neu over expression is recommended.
Keywords: Breast cancer, Biological markers, Prognostic factors
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: departmet of gynecology and obstetrics
Received: 2014/02/9 | Accepted: 2014/08/17 | Published: 2015/03/9
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Keyhanian S, Jannat alipoor Z, Lohrasbi E, Fotoukian Z, Saravi M M. Evaluation of Biologic Markers Frequency and Their Correlation with Some Determinant Prognostic Factors in Women with Breast Cancer Referred to Oncology Clinic of Imam Sajjad Hospital of Ramsar during 2002-2012. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2015; 22 (7) :115-128
URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-1577-en.html

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Volume 22, Issue 7 (in press 2015) Back to browse issues page
مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایلام Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences
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