1- Tonekabon Islamic Azad University 2- Babol University of Medical Sciences , zalipoor@gmail.com 3- Babol University of Medical Sciences 4- MazandaranUniversity of Medical Sciences
Abstract: (7729 Views)
Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common kind of cancer in women and the major cause of cancer death in women 20-59 years. Identification of prognostic fac-tors in breast cancer, and knowing the rel-ationships between them can be useful in clinical decision-making and choosing ap-propriate treatment. Materials & Methods: This study was an across-sectional retrospective one that was conducted on 220 women with primary breast cancer who referred to oncology clinic of Immam Sajjad hospital in Ramsar during 2002-2012. Data were collected by a Checklist and using the information in the patients' medical records. Information had been analyzed by using statistical software SPSS 16 with descriptive - analytic statistical tests (frequency percentage and Chi square test). The significance level was considered < 0.05 in this study. Findings: 77.3% of patients were aged less than 55 years, and 35% of patients were po-stmenopausal. HER-2/neu over expression in 38.2%, and P53 gene mutation in 52.3% of patients were found. ER on 69.1% and PR in 63.6% of cases were positive. In this study, there was a statistically significant relationship between HER-2/ neu bio-marker status with tumor size (P=0.0001), P53 biomarker status with tumor pathology (P=0.042), ER biomarker status with disease stage (P=0.034), ER status with pathological grade (P=0.004), PR biom-arker status with pathological grade (P=0. 011) and PR biomarker status with disease Stage and pathological grade (P=0.037). In the other cases, there was not any statis-tically significant relationship between biomarker status and other prognostic fac-tors in this study (P>0.05). Discussion & Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, there was a rel-ationship between HER-2/neu status with tumor size, ER& PR status with disease Stage and pathological grade, P53 with tumor pathology. So determining the biolo-gical markers status (HER-2/neu, PR, ER, P53) in patients with breast cancer, and the onset of anti-estrogen therapy in patients with steroid receptors and anti HER-2/neu treatment of those tumors with HER-2/neu over expression is recommended.
Keyhanian S, Jannat alipoor Z, Lohrasbi E, Fotoukian Z, Saravi M M. Evaluation of Biologic Markers Frequency and Their Correlation with Some Determinant Prognostic Factors in Women with Breast Cancer Referred to Oncology Clinic of Imam Sajjad Hospital of Ramsar during 2002-2012. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2015; 22 (7) :115-128 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-1577-en.html