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Showing 2 results for Msds

Mohammad Sohrabi, Amir Masoud Faridizad, Farhad Farasati,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (10-2015)

Introduction: More than 60% of the office staff in developing countries complain about physical discomfort that many of the discomforts associated with musculoskeletal disorders. The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among developing countries, according to the type and duration of work with computers, between 15 to 70% has been reported. The aim of this study was to evaluate musculoskeletal disorders in computer users and determination of correlation between the results of CMDQ, RULA and ROSA methods.
 Materials & methods: Participants were 71 office users that were selected using systematic random sampling. The method used in this correlation study was using CMDQ questionnaire and evaluation of those methods.
 Findings: According to the final results of the RULA 46% of participants were in risk level 3 and 4 (ergonomic intervention) and results of the ROSA 21% as low risk, 48% as medium risk and 31% were at high risk. Also there is a significant relationship between the risk level of two method results (p<0.05).
Discussion & Conclusion: Two evaluation methods have a high correlation to estimated risk levels of musculoskeletal disorders and they can be used as an alternative method to assessment of ergonomic risk of office environments.

Jafar Akbari, Meghdad Kazemi, Amirhoseyn Mazareie, Roholdin Moradirad, Anoosheh Razavi,
Volume 25, Issue 2 (7-2017)

Introduction: The continuous use of computers in office environments, due to the unfavorable sitting postures as a risk factor for the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders is prevalent. The purpose of this study was to assess the ergonomic office units of Abadan Oil Refining Company by using ROSA and also to evaluate the musculoskeletal disorders using CMDQ tool to identify and prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSDSs) in the workplace.

Materials & methods: The present study is a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical one. Using Cochran formula 276 office personnel were obtained as the sample volume. The data were collected by using assessment posture ROSA, CMDQ questionnaires and were analyzed using SPSS version 20 statistical tests of Pearson and multiple linear regressions.

Findings: The results indicated that 36 persons were in a safe area, 230 in the warning area and 10 were in the danger zone .Also, according to scale CMDQ, 235 persons had very minor problem, 20 persons a small problem, 11 very little problem, 6 persons low problem, 2 medium and 2 difficult problem was extremely high. Also, test results revealed a significant association just about sex and musculoskeletal problems (P = 0.001), and on the other variables were unreported a significant association.

Discussion & conclusions: Based on the findings of the study and scores of using of tools, corrective actions and ergonomic interventions, including educational seminars, modifying and designing office work stations, equipment adjustments of the workplace, and treatment were performed.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایلام Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences
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