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Showing 3 results for Birth Weight

(ph.d. Stu) Homayoon Haroon Rashidi, Ph.d Ali Akbar Arjmandniya, Ph.d Gholam Ali Afrooz, Ph.d Qumars Beshlideh,
Volume 21, Issue 7 (2-2014)

  Introduction: low birth weight is one of the important sanitary indices in evaluating the prenatal care all over the world. So, recognition of risky factor related to low birth weight can help prevent the occurrence of being low birth weight. The purpose of this research is comparison of psychological distress of low birth weight – newborns, mothers with those of normal weight- newborns’ counterparts. Materials and Methods: In this causal-comparative study, first, all newborn babies in hospitals and maternity centers Khuzestan between Farwardin (May.2012) and Esfand (March.2013) were selected. Then, 100 low birth weight babies and 100 normal weight babies were randomly selected along with their mothers who filled the Depression‚ Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS- 21) with 0/82 reliability. the results are compared using t-test. Results: there was a significant difference between the mothers of the two groups in Depression‚ Anxiety and Stress (p<0/ 001).
Conclusion: recognition of some risk factors pertaining of low birth weight province can help take preventive measures to reduce its rate. the results of research were discussed, and research limitation and suggestions were presented.

Zohre Judipour , Fardin Alimalayeri, Somayeh Bagheri, Alireza Bazzi, Mohammad Ali Judipour, Marziye Judipour ,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (10-2015)

Introduction: Anthropometric parameters of neonates at birth are using as powerful health indicators for assessment of neonate health status. The controlling for effective socio-demographic and biological factors are helpful in public health.This study analyzes anthropometric parametersof neonates at birth and someeffective demographic factors in urban and rural health care centers of Sistan region, Iran.
Materials & methods: This cross sectional survey among 1712 neonates was conducted in three cities of Zabol, Zahak and Hirmand in Sistan region, Iran. Inclusion criteria were at term (37-42 weeks gestation) and non-pathological pregnancies. Anthropometric parametersof neonates at birth were measured. Finally the influences of demographic factors were analyzed. By using SPSS version 18 and t-test and Pearson correlation test, data were analyzed.
Findings: The percentage of low birth weight neonates was 9.3% of all live neonates. Male and urban neonates with low birth weight were significantly less than female and rural neonates. There were significantly higher neonatal birth anthropometric parameters other than weight at birth, in male and urban neonates.
Discussion & Conclusion: Our studies have shown that prevalence of neonates with low birth weight in Sistan region was more than other regions of Iran. We can improve neonatal birth anthropometric parameters by developing health, educational, economical and nutritional helping programs.

Hamideh Pakniat, Nasrin Soofizadeh, Farideh Movahed,
Volume 26, Issue 2 (6-2018)

Introduction: Pregnancy and delivering a baby are the most important achievements occurring in a woman`s life and her family. Although it is a physiologic event, there would happen some complications that could mostly be prevented by prenatal care. The objective of this study was to assess the relationship of the first trimester maternal hemoglobin and fetal birth weight.
Materials & Methods: This descriptive- analytical study was performed on 3000 pregnant women of 18 to 40 years old with less than 12 weeks of gestational age, referred to health centers in Qazvin province. Hemoglobin measurements were performed by routine laboratorial tests and then recorded in the questioners; afterward, the mothers were followed throughout the gestation period up to the delivery term. Then, the fetal birth weights were recorded. Anemia was defined as Hb <11 g/dl and low birth weight was defined as Fbwt<2500 grams.
Findings: This study presented that 11.4% of babies had low birth weights (<2500 grams). Anemia prevalence was 22.2%. 7.2% of babies in anemia group and 4.2% of babies in normal Hb group were of low birth weight (<2500 grams) with significant difference (P<0.001). The relative risk for low birth weight babies in anemic mothers was1.81 (95% Confidence interval; 1.24-2.62).
Discussion & Conclusions: This study demonstrated that lower birth weight babies in anemic mothers were more prevalent. Therefore, pre-gestational screening and anemia treatment is highly recommended in women of reproductive age.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایلام Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences
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