Introduction: Cataract is the leading cause of poor vision in world which can affect the quality of life of individuals. Given the im-portance of medical interventions on the quality of life in the patients, we compared the quality of life in patients before and af-ter cataract surgery.
Materials & Methods: The population und-er study included patients with cataract older than 50 years admitted for surgery in the hospitals of Chaharamahal and Bakht-iari province. A randomized sampling me-thod was made to recruit patients. Data collect-ion tool was a valid EQ5D ques-tionnaire that was completed two months before and three months after the surgery. Data was analyzed using SPSS16 software through independent and paired t-tests.
Findings: A total of 98 patients entered the study of which 60 patients (61.2%) were fe-male and 38 patients (38.8%) were male. Age range was between 50 and 96 years and the mean age was 98.9±42.65 years. Averages age of females and males were 64.33±9.45 and 67.13±10.68 years, respe-ctively. Age difference between the two s-exes was not significant (P=0.19). Quality of life score was 0.6096±0.25 before surg-ery and 0.7782±0.22 after surgery and the differrence was statistically significant (P<0.001).
Discussion & Conclusion: These results suggested that after cataract surgery, quality of life in all age groups increased except in the age group beyond 80 years old. This may be due to delayed diagnosis and trea-tment. In consequence, it could reduce the possibility of vision improvement.
mobasher M, barooni M, alidosti M, yosefi M, memarzade E, behzadi U. Comparing the Quality of Life in Patients Older than 50 Years Before and After Cataract Surgery in Chaharamahal and Bakhtiari. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2013; 21 (6) :167-173 URL: