Introduction: The transfer and utilization of research evidence in health promotion have caught a great attention in recent years. R-esearch has been the means of material and spiritual progress for human being. Health research is prerequisite for the enhancement of health and treatment maintenance and plays a pivotal role in medical sciences. This study was done to determine the kho-wledge and attitude of students toward re-search in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.
Materials & Methods: This study was a descriptive-analytical survey assessing kho-wledge and attitude of students toward rese-arch in 2012. A total number of 256 stud-ents were recruited in this study using a ran-domly sampling method. Data were collec-ted using a reasercher-designed question-naire. Obtained data analyzed by SPSS18 software and two categories of descriptive and inferential statistical methods (Chi-Sq-ure and Fisher exact tests).
Findings: The results of the study indicated that 64.4 % of participants had a poor knowledge toward research and 63.2 % of them had a moderate knowledge toward re-search.There was a significant relation bet-ween knowledge and educational level am-ongst students, so that the students with higher educational level had more know-ledge regarding research (P<0.05). Also, the attitude of students had a significant rela-tion with their educational level and reside-nce (P<0.05). So that students with higher educational level and resident in dormitory had a better attitude toward research.
Discussion & Conclusion: Changings in the educational system to meet the needs of stu-dents may be necessary. It should pay more attention than before to the courses such as practical research methods to improve the practical implementation of research, to pr-omote students' attitudes toward research and to provide the process of collaboration and necessary support among students.
eizadi E, raeisi M, sharifirad G, tavasoli E, ghazanfari Z, javadzade H. Khowledge and Attitude of Students Toward Research in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2013; 21 (6) :56-62 URL: