1- Behvioral Sciences Research Center Isfahan University of Medical sciences , a_ebrahimi@med.mui.ac.ir 2- Behvioral Sciences Research Center Isfahan University of Medical sciences
Abstract: (15299 Views)
Background: Dysfunctional Attitude Scale is one of the most common instruments to Assess cognitive vulnerability, the aim of this study was to develop and validate the short form of Dysfunctional Attitude Scale appropriate to clinical population.
Method: Participants were 8o psychiatric Patients from Medical Centers related to Isfahan Medical University, and 80 non-Patient. Research Instruments were clinical interview based on DSM-IV-TR , Dysfunctional Attitude Scale and General Heath Questionnaire. Data was analyzed by multi correlation and factor analysis methods.
Resalts: Acording to results of factor analysis and item –total correlation 14 items were condidated to omission. The analysis of Dysfunctional Attitude scale – 26 items (DAS-26)revealed a cronbach’s alpha 0.92. Evidence for the construct and predication validity were obtained by correlation between the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale and psychiatric diagnosis(r=0.55)GHQ -28(r=0.56) and somatization, anxiety , social dysfunction, and depression subscales respectively(0.45,0.53,0.48,0.57) factor analysis revealed four factor structure.
Discussion : The results showed that the Iranian version of the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (DAS-26) Possess satisfaction Psychometric Properties suggesting that this instrument is appropriate for use as a cognitive measure in a Iranian cultural Context.
Ebrahimi A, Moosavi S G. Development and validation of the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale -26 items : factor structure, reliability and validity in Psychiatric outpatients.. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2013; 21 (5) :20-28 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-210-en.html