:: Volume 20, Issue 5 (3-2013) ::
Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences 2013, 20(5): 43-50 Back to browse issues page
Comparison of two methods of dental health education lectures and film screenings on knowledge, attitude and practice of students
F Mohamad khah , F Amin shekravi * , S Faghih zadeh , A Babaee haidar abadi , F Kazem begi , R Maghsodi
Abstract:   (17228 Views)
Bacgrond and Aim: Oral health is an important component of lifestyle. And recovery requires proper training methods to improve knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to its population. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of lecture and video screening in improving the knowledge, attitude and practice of dental hygiene students. Methods:The survey is a quasi-experimental intervention survey done in Chabahar in 2011-2012. By sampling a regular allocation process is divided into three equal groups (each group n = 100:control, lecture and film) were divided..Knowledge, attitude and Practice student were measures by self report questionnaires and pre-test and post-test . And relevant data was analysed by using of software SPSS VERZHON 11, statistical tests ANOVA, Mann-Whitney. Results :The Lecture And Film Group knowledge And attitude immediatelly and 3 months after the intervention, the practice immediately after the intervention increased But A more effective approach to video on improving the knowledge, attitude and practice of oral health revealed (P <0/001). Conclusion:This study showed that both the training lectures and video display can be an effective way to promote Oral health Education Knowledge , attitudes and practice of the people Although video method is more effective.
Keywords: lectures, video screenings, awareness, attitude, behavior
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Medical microbiology
Received: 2013/03/17 | Accepted: 2013/06/23 | Published: 2013/06/23

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Volume 20, Issue 5 (3-2013) Back to browse issues page