:: Volume 21, Issue 6 (12-2013) ::
Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences 2013, 21(6): 87-95 Back to browse issues page
The Modeling of The Causes of Women's Tendency to Cosmetic Surgery With Using Lisrel Software
Kamal Koohi * 1, Mahasti Alizadeh
1- University , k.koohi@tabrizu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (9144 Views)
Backgrounds and Objectives: Cosmetic Surgery in modern consumer society has become one of the fundamental issues in sociological and medicine studies. Accordingly, the main purpose of the paper is to explain causes of women's tendency to cosmetic surgery within the medical sociology. Materials and Methods: The Research was done through survey method with 738 samples. Sampling Method was Combination of Multi-Stage Cluster ,Random and Systematic Sampling. and by questionnaires collected necessary information from women 15 years old age and over. For preliminary analysis of data SPSS version 17 is Used and for modeling the causes of women's tendency to cosmetic surgery Lisrel software of version 8/5 is Used. Results: After data analyzing ,findings show that:1) The Level of Tendency to cosmetic surgery has a low to moderate among women women 15 years old age and over in Tabriz. In other words, of every 100 females, 32/22 tend to perform cosmetic surgeries. 2)among variables the social Comparison of the body, reference groups, cultural, economic, Social capital have significant correlation with women Tendency to cosmetic surgery and this variables explained to 43 % of the variance of cosmetic surgery. Variables of Age, education, media and social capital have significant indirect effect and the social Comparison of the body, reference groups, cultural and economic capital also have significant direct effect on the women tendency to cosmetic surgery. Conclusion: Final models produced in the Lisrel software indicate that variables of social comparison body, reference groups, cultural and social capital, are affective factors on women tendency to cosmetic surgery. Key Words: Women, Cosmetic Surgery, Liposuction, Social Comparison Body, Body Women
Keywords: Women, Cosmetic Surgery, Liposuction, Social Comparison Body, Body Women
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2011/12/24 | Accepted: 2013/12/30 | Published: 2013/12/30

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Volume 21, Issue 6 (12-2013) Back to browse issues page