:: Volume 21, Issue 3 (8-2013) ::
Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences 2013, 21(3): 156-162 Back to browse issues page
Survey on Elationship Between Constructs of The Planned Behavior and Road Crossing Safe Behaviors Among The Fourth Grade Students of Tehran City
M Khalfe nilsaz , E Tavasoli , A Ramazankhani , T Dehdari , H Sori , S Akbarpoor , A Ashrafi hafez * 1, M Jalilian
1- , Ashrafihafez@gmail.com
Abstract:   (14420 Views)
Introduction: Pedestrians' traffic accidents are one of the most important causes of death throughout the world. Access to the information or existing status could pave the way for educational interventions to prevent traffic accidents. Theory of the planned behavior shows the relationship between some constructs relating to beha-vioral intention, attitude, perceived beha-vioral control, normative belief and the beh-avior. This research aimed to determine the relationship between constructs of the pla-nned behavior theory and road crossing safe behaviors among the fourth grade students of Tehran city in 2010 Materials & Methods: In this descriptive-analytic research, 160 students were sele-cted among schools in district 4 of Tehran city through random sampling method. These students answered standard question-nnaire in which their validity and reliability had been evaluated. Finally, the gathered data were analyzed with software SPSS (version16) Findings: Research results showed that there was significant relationship between road crossing safe behavior and constructs of intention (P<0.001), perceived behave-ioral control (P<0.001), compliance motive (P<0.001), consequence evaluation (P=0.04), and normative beliefs (P<0.001) and there was no significant relationship between road crossing safe behavior and construct of behavioral belief. Linear reg-ression test results specified that the beh-avioral intention with B=2.35 was a suitable predictor of road crossing safe behavior. Discussion & Conclusion: The results dem-onstrated that the planned behavior theory can be used as a suitable framework for designing of educational interventions to improve of the students' road crossing beha-viors.
Keywords: theory of planned behavior, road crossing safe behaviors, students, behave-oral intention
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Health Education
Received: 2013/09/24 | Accepted: 2013/09/25 | Published: 2013/09/25

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