:: Volume 22, Issue 5 (10-2014) ::
Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences 2014, 22(5): 63-69 Back to browse issues page
Validity and reliability of "Multidimensional Symptoms Fatigue Inventory-Short Form"(MSFI-SF)
A Shamsi * 1, F Yaghmaei , F Zayeri
1- , aziz.shamsi@ymail.com
Abstract:   (9280 Views)
Introduction: Fatigue is an unpleasant symptom including a spectrum from feeling weak to becoming fatigue which interferes in individuals’ abilities in doing perfo-rmance. There is no valid and reliable instrument to measure instructors’ fatigue in Iran. Therefore, this study aimed to tr-anslate and psychometricallyevaluate “Mu-ltidimensional Symptoms Fatigue Inven-tory-Short Form”. Materials & Methods: This descriptive study was conducted among instructors in faculty of Nursing and Midwifery in The-ran. The questionnaire was completed by faculty instructors who were 140 indi-viduals. “Multidimensional Symptoms Fati-gue Inventory-Short Form” was translated then the content validity index, face and concurrent validity were measured. Mea-nwhile, reliability was evaluated by internal consistency and test re-test after two weeks. Findings: The content validity index of “Multidimensional Symptoms Fatigue In-ventory-Short Form”, was 79.2 on relev-ance, 82.5 on clarity and 79.7 on simplicity, respectively. Face validity of the scale was approved according to experts’ opinions. Concurrent validity of “Multidimensional Symptoms Fatigue Inventory-Short Form”, with “Fatigue Severity Inventory” was me-asured and the correlation value was 0.77. Cronbach's alpha of the scale was 0.91 and the reliability was 0.82 through test re-test method. Discussion & Conclusion: The “Multidim-ensional Symptoms Fatigue Inventory-Short Form” is a valid and reliable scale for measuring instructors’ fatigue in Iran.
Keywords: Fatigue, instructors, psycho-metric evaluation.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: nursing
Received: 2014/01/8 | Accepted: 2014/05/31 | Published: 2014/11/2

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Volume 22, Issue 5 (10-2014) Back to browse issues page