:: Volume 21, Issue 6 (12-2013) ::
Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences 2013, 21(6): 33-41 Back to browse issues page
Effective Factors on The Quality of Life in Female Students of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences
Y Pasdar , N Eizadi * 1, R Safari
1- , neda.izady@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (10591 Views)
Introduction: Health Students as young generation and because they are responsible an important role in future society, is important. This study is designed with the aim of assessing the quality of life and related factors on girl Students. Methods: In this cross sectional study, questionnaires included Demographic questionnaire, Quality of life, Beck and Food Frequency Questionnaire for assessment nutritional status among the participants were distributed and completed. The data from the questionnaire were encoded and entered into SPSS software and finally, were analyzed. Results: In Total 266 students from different course fields participated in this study. Mean age were 22.1± 2.4. Result showed that 97.2%, 37.8% and 60.2% (respectively) of persons were used less than the amount recommended based on food pyramid of vegetables, fruit and meat. Average score of quality of life in Physical health, Mental health, Social relationships and environmental health domains were 13.7± 1.7, 13.07± 2.5, 13.7± 2.7 and 12.7± 2.4 respectively. In all domains there was inverse relationship between quality of life and suffering from depression (P<0.05). Conclusion: According to relationship between mental health and quality of life are essential appropriate strategies to improve students’ quality of life.  
Keywords: quality of life, depression, nutrition status, students
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: public health
Received: 2012/04/17 | Accepted: 2013/12/15 | Published: 2013/12/15

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Volume 21, Issue 6 (12-2013) Back to browse issues page