Investigating the Effective Factors on tendency to beauty surgeries and Body Management among women of Ilam during 2016
Heshmat Ghobadi1 , AliREZA Kaldi * 2, Sayed Mohammad Sadegh Mahdavi1 |
1- Dept of Sociology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran 2- Dept of Sociology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , |
Abstract: (6608 Views) |
Introduction: now a day, body management and its effective variables are important discussions in medical sociology. Body has not just living and psychological dimension, and it is a component that is structured socially.
Materials & methods: the present study is descriptive- correlative. Research population is includes all women with age range of 19-44 in Ilam city that were 47090 cases based on report of center of statistics of Iran in whom 381 cases were selected by Cochran Formula and were selected by multilevel clustering sampling method. But because of missing data in 11 questionnaires, 370 questionnaires were selected for final analysis. Research instrument is author- made questionnaire. Body management was studied in four dimensions of thinness procedures, healthiness, beauty surgeries, cover type and health care. For data analysis and testing hypotheses, descriptive statistics (mean, frequency, percent) and inferential statistics (K-S, correlation coefficient of Pearson, Spearman and simple regression and variance analysis) were used and so SPSS software was used.
Findings: the findings show that majority of studied women are married, householder and in middle class. Also variables of age, media consumption, cultural- social stress, married conditions, education degree and income are related with body management.
Discussion & conclusions: media in modern time is one of the main factors of body management and play and important role in transferring social- cultural pressure for thinness and body fitness. Also education is one of the important social factors for determine management type. Higher education necessitates women to control arrangement and monitor body in various life times related to their education. |
Keywords: Body management, Media consumption, Social- cultural stresses, Ilam women |
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2017/05/11 | Accepted: 2017/06/6 | Published: 2017/09/6