:: Volume 23, Issue 7 (2-2016) ::
Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences 2016, 23(7): 60-68 Back to browse issues page
Ascite Fluid Survey in Admitted Patients at Bu-Ali and Velayat Hospitals in Qazvin During the Years of 2011- 2013
Arash Miroliaee1 , Ameneh Barikani1 , Ali akbar Hajiaghamohammadi1 , Ali Zargar1 , Seyyed farzam Mircheraghy * 2
1- Qazvin University of Medical Sciences
2- Qazvin University of Medical Sciences , mrchrgh@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (7071 Views)

Introduction: Ascites is one of the significant signs of the Hepatobiliary diseases. It is the most common consequence of Cirrhosis and is associated with increase of infection risk and loss of the life quality. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the epidemiological findings and put them as basis for the prospective studies of etiologic diseases reduction in the field of Ascites.

Materials & methods: The present study is an analytical-descriptive one, based on the hospital data of the patients with Ascites disease, treated in gastroenterology and internal section of Bu-Ali University Hospital and Velayat medical institution of Ghazvin city from 2011 to 2013, whose medical records were archived in the mentioned centers. The data were analyzed via the SPSS16 software. Using the tests "T-test Student" and K2 test with a significance level P<0.05, the data were analyzed.

Findings: Among 101 patients, 58.4% were male and 41.6% were female. The average age of patients was 58.88. In general, 68% of patients suffered from High SAAG and 32% Low SAAG. The most common cause of Ascites in patients was the liver cirrhosis with 34.4% prevalence and next the malignancy with 24%.

Discussion & Conclusions: Based on this study, the most common cause of Ascites is the liver cirrhosis and the second leading reason is malignancy. With regard to the epidemiological key findings across study (including a high incidence of carcinomatosis peritonitis as the second most common cause of Ascites), it severely requires further studies with more samples in order to take preventive and curative measures.

Keywords: Ascitic fluid, Hepaticcirrhosis, Admitted patients, Qazvin city, Carcinomatous peritonitis
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: infectious diseases
Received: 2014/07/13 | Accepted: 2015/08/15 | Published: 2016/02/15

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Volume 23, Issue 7 (2-2016) Back to browse issues page