:: Volume 21, Issue 7 (2-2014) ::
Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences 2014, 21(7): 169-177 Back to browse issues page
Analysis of Thraputic Expenditure in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis in Iran
A Eimani , M Golestani , A Omrani , M Ali khani * 1, M Delpasand , R Vafaee , A Mozafari
1- , imani58@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (13199 Views)
Introduction: Aim of the study was to evaluate the cost of four disease-mod-ifying drugs (DMDs) used as first-line treatment for relapsing and remitting mu-ltiple sclerosis (MS): IFNβ-1a IM injecti-on (Avonex®), IFN β-1b SC injection (Betaferon®), IFNβ-1a SC injection (Rebif®) and IFNβ-1a IM injection (CinnoVex®). Materials & Methods: The study used the cost-of-illness approach to estimate the direct and indirect costs associated with five treatment regimes of MS. 231 patie-nts were divided into five groups (groups A, B, C and D received different continu-ous interferon therapy and Group E received symptom management treatm-ent). Detailed questionnaires were com-pleted for 231 patients over a 6-month period (12 months for hospitalization costs). Findings: The annual average of total cost per patient amounted to 24475 USD in 2011. Direct costs amounted to 16945 USD and constituted the largest share of total cost (67.5%). Among the direct costs, the largest cost was belonging to DMDs. Indirect costs amounted to 7530 USD and constituted 32.2% of total cost. Indirect costs were domiately related to leaving the job. Total costs per patient were estimated to be 22881,35850, 32920,15680 and 15042 USD for A, B, C, D and symptom management groups, re-spectively. Discussion & Conclusion: Results of this study indicated that MS imposes subs-tantial economic burden on MS patients, on their families, and on society as a whole. In order to minimize MS costs and improve quality of life, the ideal aim of MS treatment should be directed to early stage of the disease and using cost-effec-tive therapy regims.
Keywords: Cost analysis, disease-modif-ying drugs, multiple sclerosis
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Type of Study: case report | Subject: nurse
Received: 2014/02/18 | Accepted: 2014/02/18 | Published: 2014/02/18

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Volume 21, Issue 7 (2-2014) Back to browse issues page