X-linked Hyper-IgM Syndrome: Control and Treatment
A Khalil nejad , E Mahmodian , A Khalil nejad , R Roghanian , A Etedali , R Vafaee * 1, M Hosainzade ![](./files/0allsites/images/pubmed20.png) |
1- , Vafaeereza@gmail.com |
Abstract: (13867 Views) |
X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome (XHIGM) is a congenital immunodeficiency in which the immune system cannot produces differ-rent classes of immunoglobulins other than IgM. Therefore, the patients are susceptible to many disorders, infectious diseases and malignancies. Bone marrow or allogeic he-matopoietic cell sorcord blood stem cells transplantation are the two accepted ther-apeutic approaches to treat patients with XHIGM. In addition, various numbers of interventions including IVIG
and SCIG therapy, antimicrobial agents and etcare used to control and prevent the XHIGM-related diseases and conditions. In the present manuscript, we review all of these approaches. |
Keywords: anaphylaxis, antibody therapy, bone marrow transplantation, primary imm-uneodeficiency, stem cell transplantation |
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Type of Study: Research |
immunology Received: 2014/01/4 | Accepted: 2014/01/4 | Published: 2014/01/4