Survey of Heavy Metals Concentration (Pb, Cd and Cr) in Bottled Water Consuming in Hamadan
A Salahi , M Khashij * 1, Z Asadi ghotbi  |
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Abstract: (9245 Views) |
Introduction: Nowadays, using bottled waters is increasing by people in Iran and around the world due to the trust in their quality, easy transportation as well as accessibility with a low cost. In order to protect public health, ensuring the quality of water has great importance. The goal of this study is to measure of Pb, Cd and Cr in distributed bottled waters in Hamadan and to compare with the world standards. Materials & methods: This research is a cross- sectional study which carried out on 10 brands of bottled water (0.5 lit) produced in Iran and distributed in Hamadan- in 2012. During the study period, 60 samples were purchased randomly from sup-ermarkets during two sequential seasons- summer and fall. Concentration of the heavy metals Lead, Cadmium and Chr-omium was measured by atomic absorption using standard methods. Findings: The results showed that the maximum concentrations of the heavy metals, Cr, Cd, Pb samples are 27.35±1.99, 1.65±.48, 9.15± 1.9 µg/L in which the lowest and highest values pertain to cadmium and chromium, respectively. Discussion & Conclusion: The Results 0f findings imply that the concentration of heavy metals are matched in WHO, EPA and Iran´s standards, and the concentrations of samples were less than the standards mentioned above. So there is no public health risk regarding the consumption of bottled water.
Keywords: Bottled water, Cadmium, Lead, Chromium, Hamadan. |
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Type of Study: Applicable |
Environmental health Received: 2013/10/4 | Accepted: 2014/07/20 | Published: 2015/02/28